Primary 4 syllabus:
Topics | Content |
Whole numbers | –Numbers to 100 000 –Reading and writing numbers in numerals and in words –Rounding numbers to nearest 10, 100, 1000 –Relate concepts of factors and multiples, common factors and common multiples –Solve 3–step word problems (model drawing, unitary method) involving the 4 operations –Patterns in number sequences –Non-routine problems using different heuristics |
Fractions | –Achieve mastery of conversion between a mixed number and improper fractions –Solving 2-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions |
Decimals | –Understand place values (tenths, hundredths, thousandths) –Converting decimals to fractions and vice versa (denominator is factor of 10 or 100) –Rounding decimals to the nearest whole number, 1 decimal place or 2 decimal places –Multiply and divide decimals (up to 2 decimal places) |
Measurement | –Measuring time in seconds, 24-hour clock –Solve problems using 24-hour clock |
Area and Volume | –Find one dimension of a rectangle/one side of a square, given area/perimeter –Find area and perimeter of composite figures |
Geometry | –Relate quarter, half and complete turns to angles in degrees –Measure and draw angles using protractor –Find angles using 8-point compass directions –Draw perpendicular and parallel lines using ruler and set squares –Identify symmetric figures –Determine the lines of symmetry –Recognize shapes that can tessellate |
Data Representation and Interpretation | –Read and interpret data from bar graphs |