Primary English

Primary 3 syllabus:

Whole numbersNumbers to 10 000
Link the terms ‘sum’ and ‘difference’ with comparison model
Master addition and subtraction up to 4 digits
Solve 2–step word problems, simple model drawing
Mental addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers
Use part-whole and comparison models to illustrate concepts of multiplication and division
Patterns in number sequences
FractionsAchieve mastery of equivalent fractions and fraction comparison
Add and subtract like fractions
Reduce fractions to their simplest form
MoneyAdd and subtract money in decimal notation
Solve problems in real world situations, e.g. shopping
MeasurementAble to convert measurement units, e.g. 1l=1000ml
Able to tell time using ‘past’ and ‘to’, in hours and minutes, relating to everyday examples such as duration of lessons
Solve word problems involving length/mass/volume/time
Area and VolumeCompare sizes of squares and rectangles using real-life examples, e.g. area of teacher’s desk
Understand the difference between area and perimeter
Estimate area of figure drawn on square grids by counting
GeometryIdentify ‘acute angle’, ‘obtuse angle’, ‘right angle’, angles greater than/ smaller than a right angle
Data Representation and InterpretationRead and interpret data from bar graphs